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WFH Like a Boss: My 2024 Home Office Setup & Hacks

by krystal vaughan 06 Aug 2024 0 Comments

Raise your hand if your "home office" used to be your couch, kitchen table, or (let's be honest) bed. 🙋‍♀️ I've been there. But after two years of full-time WFH, I've finally figured out how to create a workspace that's not only productive but also enjoyable. And trust me, it makes all the difference. Here's a peek into my WFH setup, along with some productivity hacks I swear by.

My WFH Command Center:

  • Standing Desk: My back was screaming after months of hunching over my laptop on the couch. I invested in a standing desk, and it's been a game-changer. I alternate between sitting and standing throughout the day, and I feel so much more energized.
  • Ergonomic Chair: Don't skimp on the chair, people! A good ergonomic chair will support your back, neck, and posture, which is crucial for long hours at the computer. (My chiropractor thanks me.)
  • Ultrawide Monitor: If you're a multitasker like me, an ultrawide monitor is worth its weight in gold. It gives you so much screen real estate, so you can have multiple documents or windows open at once without feeling cramped.
  • Wireless Keyboard and Mouse: Clutter-free desk = clutter-free mind. A wireless keyboard and mouse give you more freedom to move around and keep your workspace tidy.
  • Noise-Canceling Headphones: My apartment building is not known for its quietude. Noise-canceling headphones are essential for blocking out distractions and getting into the zone.
  • Smart Speaker: I use my smart speaker to play focus music, set timers, check the weather, and even order groceries. It's like having a personal assistant.
  • Plants and Natural Light: This might seem small, but it makes a big difference. Having plants in my workspace and lots of natural light boosts my mood and creativity.

Productivity Hacks That Actually Work:

  • Time Blocking: I break my workday into chunks of time dedicated to specific tasks. This helps me stay focused and avoid getting overwhelmed.
  • The Pomodoro Technique: I work in 25-minute intervals with 5-minute breaks in between. It's a great way to stay on track and prevent burnout.
  • Batching Tasks: I group similar tasks together (e.g., answering emails, making phone calls) to avoid context switching and maximize efficiency.
  • Setting Boundaries: It's important to set boundaries between work life and home life, even when your office is steps away from your bedroom. I set specific work hours and try to disconnect completely when I'm off the clock.


WFH doesn't have to be a struggle. With the right setup and a few productivity hacks, you can create a workspace that's both functional and inspiring. And remember, it's not just about the tools – it's about finding what works best for you. What are your WFH essentials and tips? Share them in the comments!

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