The handset is very well built, and has a compact size. Owns all commands, but works in that scheme where you have to choose whether to control volume, pass and rewind, pause/play or virtual assistant. The quality of noise cancellation is from reasonable to good. Would make a 6.5 grade. Space audio sucks. Do not use. The differential is the sound. Has a sound with very present bass, without allowing it to be refined in the treble. Comparing with the Moondrop space travel, it has more present bass, with a slightly more “full” sound. The Moondrop near it looks a bit cooler, with treble a bit more evident. Overall, the sound of 1more pleased me more. Just one observation, the case of my handset came with little risk as shown in the picture. A little boring, but does not affect the use. If you can get the phone below the actual 250 to not get the shipping tax 92%, it is the best phone you can import in this price range.